Minister of natural resources and environmental protection of the Komi Republic will participate in the events of the «RosPromEco-2014» Forum

 6 - 7 April 2017, Moscow, Complex of office buildings of the Government of Moscow

Minister of natural resources and environmental protection of the Komi Republic will participate in the events of the «RosPromEco-2014» Forum

Minister of natural resources and environmental protection of the Komi Republic Yury Vladimirovich Lisin in his letter expressed gratitude for proposal of continued cooperation and opportunity to participate in the of Russian industrial and Environmental Forum and exhibition "RosPromEco-2014» operation.

Yury Vladimirovich Lisin informed about planned presentation of eco-projects of the Komi Republic, which are being realized in the frames of government programs of the Republic, inclusive the program «Replenishment and utilization of the natural resources, and environment protection» aimed at rational utilization of bio-energetic and decrease of anthropogenic stress of the environment.


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